The youngsters arrived all excited for the Robot Big Build Days at Lysses Hotel in Fareham over Autumn half term. Due to a high demand it was held over two days to give as many members as possible of Robot Liz-ii’s Robot Clubs the opportunity to attend.
The attendees worked in pairs and could choose between the four Core EV3 Education builds; Colour Sorter, Crane (Arm), Puppy or Gyroboy. The kits were sorted and laptops with Mindstorms open with instructions – all were ready to start building.
The builds took between 2½ and 5 hours and involved about 150 steps of intricate Lego construction then the appropriate program was downloaded. Precision was crucial to get the models to move and work when the program was run on the EV3 Robot.

During the day, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy was avidly listened to followed by a choice of music. At lunchtime we watched a DVD for a well-deserved relaxing break whilst eating our packed lunches.

There was a flurry of activity towards the end of the day as there were a few technical issues and we knew parents were due soon. Hence there was a bit of rewiring and rebuilding late on to correct any problems.
However fantastic building and behaviour by the members. It was a great couple of days. Please watch a selection of the videos to see how we got on.

Robot Big Build Day October 2018 with Jack and Charlie
Robot Big Build Day October 18 by Jacob and Henry
Robot Big Build Day October 2018 with Alana and Amelia
The Robot Big Build Day October 18 with Sean and Jamie
The Robot Big Build Day Oct 18 with Noah and Jack
The Robot Big Build Day Oct 18 with Daisy and Finn