Liz Stoneham AKA Robot Liz-ii visits schools to run Robot Workshops, lessons and Clubs.

ALL the equipment is provided: Lego EV3 robots, laptops with EV3 Mindstorms, lesson plans, accessories, practice mats and a practice table. This will enable your school to give your children the experience of building and programming a physical system in computer science.
Liz provides an easy and convenient way to run a Robot Workshop or lesson without the large financial outlay and specialist staff training. She uses the latest Lego Mindstorms EV3 in a fun and challenging environment to cover many aspects of the New Computing National Curriculum in particular physical systems:
“Design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts.”
(National Curriculum in England Key Stage 2 Computing programme of Study (September 2013))
Using Computational Thinking, Liz talks through the activity with the children (decomposition), applies the theory to Lego Mindstorms, an icon based software, and then downloads the program onto the Lego EV3 Robot. Then it’s test and test again (debug) until the program works and the robot follows the instructions.
The advantages of using Liz to run your Robot workshops or lessons are:
- All equipment and software provided including:
- EIGHT Lego EV3 Robots
- EIGHT laptops installed with EV3 Mindstorms software
- Practice mats and a practice table
- Lego equipment is sorted and ready to build
- IT specialist and lesson plans provided
- EV3 bricks are updated, charged up and ready to go
- Laptops are updated with the latest EV3 Mindstorms version
- Sorting and updating equipment is a time consuming activity that staff do not have to worry about
- No problems with ensuring compatibility with your computer system
- No need to train staff
- No storage problems
Please note the cost to purchase a half class set of Lego EV3 robots is £2,695.84, with battery chargers, exc VAT(or £4749.99 with lesson plans) compared to £70 per hour (minimum of 2 hours) or £320 per day with Liz Stoneham.
Click below for more information on Robot Workshops and Lessons